South African vs Italian wine tasting

It was a great Saturday afternoon on 21st Mar 17 as Italian wines took on South African wines. It was a very close fight, and South African wines just edged it this year. However, this was not a competition but rather an opportunity to enhance one's sensory.

From the black lands of Swartland to the fog covered lands of Piedmont, conversations flowed freely on their views of the wines.

New friendships were forged on topics ranging from Italian's 2000+ documented varietals to how South African made Steen their specialty.

The only real winners were the people who tried hard and work on their wine knowledge. Reaffirming their guesses  or a simple reminder to work little harder at the end of the day. It worked a treat and from Stellez Vine team we would like to thank everyone for coming. Till the next one in June.


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